Psalm 82: 3-4

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked"

Join me as I travel the path God has put before me. To be with my heart in Guatemala. Being His hands and feet.

Update #2

>> Saturday, June 12, 2010

As you may have heard,Pacaya, the active volcano we usually take our teams to for an excursion has had a catastrophic eruption. There have been several deaths, and a cloud of ash & black sand has forced the closure of the airport and of schools.
We have also been pummeled by Tropical Storm Agatha, which has caused mudslides and claimed over 100 lives. Our leaders have decided to cancel our normal activities at sites in order to focus on relief work for the thousands of evacuees placed in temporary shelters. We are doing OK overall, but ask you to keep all those who are affected by these disasters in mind.

Our first group has left and we are half way through our second group. There isn't really much to write about this time. I know the disasters are still on people's minds. Especially the students who were here during and have returned home. So keep them in your prayers.

I also have been feeling a bit under the weather past few days, so I ask for prayers of strength and energy and good health.

*Photos to come soon*



Finally home

>> Friday, May 21, 2010

I made it to guatemala safely. Didn't have any travel problems it went very smoothly.
It feels so good to be back here and see mi familia. And I've only seen 4 outta MANY. Today we move up to Magdalena and to our host families. I can't wait to get up there and see all the families and Carlos and Thelma - the painters - who I call tío and tía (uncle and aunt). My Spanish is better than I thot ot would be after 9 months of not living in it.
There's not much to update on seeing as how I've only been here for one day! But these first two weeks I will be working at the Media - photography site not art. It's ok they are my two favorite so I'm happy as long as i get to work at one :) after these two weeks I don't know where I'll be. Also the organization has grown since last year. God is definitly good. Here is the specific guatemala website check it out it's pretty awesome!!!

Thanks for your continued support and prayers.

- Psalms 82:3-4


My Life Continues

>> Thursday, March 11, 2010

I just recieved email saying I've been accepted to go back to Guatemala for at least the first part of the summer. Not sure about seccond part yet, they are still review applications for that session. None the less, I am going home! So I ask for your continued prayers and support. Thanks.

Rachel :)


Still not done...

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you actually come to this blog to read this update (some get it through email) you will notice a lot of updates to my site. I have posted photos and links to 100+ of them and link to the videos I helped to make. But, one of the biggest changes is the Title of my blog, "Life in Guatemala" it was "My summer in Guatemala" well summer is over, but my journey that God has given me in Guatemala is not. Before I went there this summer, I would tell people, "a part of my heart is in Guatemala." Now, I say, "99.9% of my heart is in Guatemala" - I still love my family and friends here and they all have a piece of my heart so not ALL of my heart is over in Guate *Dina* ;) ..But, as of right now, I am at North Park University finishing up my Junior year (Psychology, Religion and minor in Spanish). I plan to go back to Guatemala summer of '10 again. Then come back to the states and finish/graduate college, apply as full-time staff with Students International. What does that mean?! Well, if God provides and I am accepted I will commit to a 2 year contract with Students international (at first, can decide on longer as God leads). So, right now, yes I am planning to MOVE there to Guatemala..So that is why this is now "Life in Guatemala"

I know I thanked a lot of you at my "coming home/leaving again cookout" but I want to take the time to thank you ALL again, even the ones that weren't there. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It truly is a blessing and just moving to me to just see the support and love and just see God work in and through others.

On that note..I didn't have a chance to go around and talk to EVERYONE at my party..So here is the highlight of my experience and the opposite of highlight, lowlight?!..
Its hard to just think of one highlight..but since I can't stay on here forever and write; the thing that impacted me the most was, the relationships I built there. Just the relationships I built with my host family, the people and kids of Magdalena, the Students that came down and worked with us, and most importantly the Staff and their families and the Summa Staff. We really are like one big family in Christ. We laughed together, we shared together, we cried together, we prayed and worshiped together, and we grew together. All the things a family does. Each staff member (and their family) impacted me and touched my life, but each in a different way.
Which leads me into the "lowlight" of my experience - Leaving. Never has my heart been so torn..Which I can't talk too much about because I might start crying...

I have to go now..THANK YOU ALL

PSALMS 82:3-4 --look it up!


Not done yet....

>> Sunday, July 12, 2009

So..I'm sure many of you have heard that I am not home by now..(I was suppose to be home last night)..after praying I just felt like God wasn't done with me yet..a couple weeks ago I was talkin to Rachel K., one of the permanent staff here, and told her that so many ppl were askin me, "why are u leaving? you should stay longer. we don't want u to go." And she looked at me and goes, "so whats keeping you from staying?!" I could not give her an answer. So that Saturday I told Fernando (the president of SI here in Guate) that I wanted to stay..he was supprised but in a good way..He said I was welcome to stay for however long I could. So, I called my parents and asked them and, here I am still...I still have to raise $175 per week that I'm staying here. I'm not sure what the exact total is but if you'd like to donate and support me I will have that info by tomorrow..and of course I ask to please keep me and all of us here in Guatemala in your prayers..especially Seth...

Seth is the associate director here in Guate and is in charge of us summer staff interns..well a little over a week ago, he was on his way home (from Magdalena in the Hills to Antigua not in hills), and he got in a wreck with his motorcycle. Thanks to God, he had a helmet on and it saved his life. He fractured his collarbone in 5 pieces. He had surgery and was pretty scraped up. But he is alive and doing well now..but the doctor told him he couldn't do any physical activities for 2 months and he and his wife have a 3 month old baby, so they need prayers, and also with him not being able to work that much, its been pretty hectic around here so just pray we can keep focused...I have to say, that even though it was shocking and wish it didn't happen, God has a reason and it was amazing to see just how close our Students International family is..Just how strong God has made this bond between us all..As soon as we got word we were all at the hospital praying and supporting his wife and it really was like it was a brother that this happened to..No doubt that this brought us closer together as a family.

The new summer staff are here..Two of us stayed and we recieved 6 was already asigned to the Art school before I decided to stay, so I am now going to be working with the media site going around and taking pictures and videos of the students and putting a video together for the banquet (last Friday of two weeks)..I will miss Carlos and Telma at the art site and all the kids, but I can visit them whenever. So, all is good..God is good.

I believe that this is my calling..missions..Before this summer, I told people that a part of my heart was here in I believe that all of my heart is here..I honestly don't know how I will physically and emotionally...

I don't really know what else to write..if you have questions or comments please email me:

Thank you for all your prayers and support!!!!


half way...

>> Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wow..I cant believe that my time here in Guate is half over!..its gone so fast!..though I miss my family and friends, I am not ready to leave my family and friends here!...
We have one more week with our group from CA..its been interesting week..there are about 20 people from a high school in CA and about 15 from Sonoma State Univ in CA..its been a different experience being with peers and being with those who look up to you..
At the art site this session, we actually have some of the high school students {4 of them} they are all wanting to study art in college, so, this past week they taught classes of different techniques and sharing with the kids. This coming week and following week, the children in Guatemala are not in school. One because its mid year break and two because of the swine flu out break. So a lot of children are going to becoming to the art site and more students are gonna come to help. We are going to be painting murals in the childrens room at Pastor Marios church. We are also going to pick 2-3 kids of the art school and go visit them at their house and share with them. It will be a challenging, intense, but exciting week...then the following week, we have our summer staff retreat where we will be going somewhere to the coast and relaxing and fellowshiping..sould be pretty darn exciting!!!..then after our week of break, we have our last group of this time is flying by!
I guess one thing that God had taught me or that I have realized is, that He really doesnt need us..Hes God..He would be totally fine without us..but He loves us so much that He created us..and we are sinful people and we are broken..and even though we are broken..He still creates us..and..also, beacuse we are broken, He sent his Son to die for us - of course i know this but it was just put into a new persepective and a new discription this week... It is easy to see God here..That will be a challenge for me when I is so different here...Here everything is real..the spiritual see it everyday..but when state side, its not as easy to see..its like going from front lines of war back home to normal, safe, ritual life..Ive read Ephesians 3 times now this summer {few times b4 this summer too} each time, God speaks something new..if you have not read it, I encourage you to read it with a servants heart..with a missions heart and see what God says to you..

I say this each blog but I mean it from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your prayers and support if it were not for you all, I would not be here in Guate!

God is good!



>> Saturday, June 6, 2009 the teams are/have headed out..our first group is over..and another one starts tomorrow..least we get today to rest and take a breather..It was an awesome first two weeks (even with the lil sickness - feeling better now)..Wow..God is so amazing!..Its such a different and great experience being on the "staff" side rather than "student/participant" side..I get to interact and establish relationships with all the kids at the art site and Also get to establish friendships with the students that come..This past group was about 20 students and leaders from Canada and 13 from Greenville (where I go to college) one it was awesome that Britney (another summer staff from Greenville) and I got to show some of our classmates why she and I love these people and this country so we all have a common bond..we all "get it"..and it was awesome meeting people from Canada..I'm sad that they all live so far away..There's a few that I will miss tremendously (my twin from a past life)..Steph if you read this - you're awesome! I miss ya and cant wait to come snowboarding! :)
So far, I've just realized how REAL the spiritual warfare is..We are studying the book of Ephesians with the teams that come down..and When Seth (SI Staff) did the devotional on Ephesians 6 - it hit me that, I one signed up for 6 weeks on the front lines of this battle and two, I am here at the front lines..Satan def has is ways and attacks..It reminded me of the story Daniel (friend) told us at youth group its in Chapter 10 of the book the story, Daniel has a vision and he prays to God to reveal the meaning of the vision, for 23 days Daniel fasted and prayed and didn't sleep, then on the 24th day an angel appeared and told him his prayers were heard from the first day but he got into a battle with a demon and then the Arch Angel Michael came and the other angel was finaly able to go to Daniel - it just shows that, things are not what they seem..there's stuff going on around us that we can't see, if we did, we'd probably faint..So just these past two weeks I've found myself praying a lot more and just seeking Him, and going up on the hill and sitting and just listening to Him...Its also been a blessing to hear some of the staff's testimonies. So far I loved Jose's testimony (he is in charge of the digital media site). One thing that he said has stuck with me, "when I take a picture, I am capturing God's smile and beauty" - its so true. When I'm sitting there helping the kids draw or paint and they just have grins on their face, I can see God (through them)..I am suppose to be here blessing people, but I feel like I am the one being blessed...
Things to pray for:
Open minds and hearts for the new teams coming
the kids in the art school - most of them come from poor families
and that we can resist any attacks Satan has on us

Thank you and God Bless!!!