Psalm 82: 3-4

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked"

Join me as I travel the path God has put before me. To be with my heart in Guatemala. Being His hands and feet.

Still not done...

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you actually come to this blog to read this update (some get it through email) you will notice a lot of updates to my site. I have posted photos and links to 100+ of them and link to the videos I helped to make. But, one of the biggest changes is the Title of my blog, "Life in Guatemala" it was "My summer in Guatemala" well summer is over, but my journey that God has given me in Guatemala is not. Before I went there this summer, I would tell people, "a part of my heart is in Guatemala." Now, I say, "99.9% of my heart is in Guatemala" - I still love my family and friends here and they all have a piece of my heart so not ALL of my heart is over in Guate *Dina* ;) ..But, as of right now, I am at North Park University finishing up my Junior year (Psychology, Religion and minor in Spanish). I plan to go back to Guatemala summer of '10 again. Then come back to the states and finish/graduate college, apply as full-time staff with Students International. What does that mean?! Well, if God provides and I am accepted I will commit to a 2 year contract with Students international (at first, can decide on longer as God leads). So, right now, yes I am planning to MOVE there to Guatemala..So that is why this is now "Life in Guatemala"

I know I thanked a lot of you at my "coming home/leaving again cookout" but I want to take the time to thank you ALL again, even the ones that weren't there. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It truly is a blessing and just moving to me to just see the support and love and just see God work in and through others.

On that note..I didn't have a chance to go around and talk to EVERYONE at my party..So here is the highlight of my experience and the opposite of highlight, lowlight?!..
Its hard to just think of one highlight..but since I can't stay on here forever and write; the thing that impacted me the most was, the relationships I built there. Just the relationships I built with my host family, the people and kids of Magdalena, the Students that came down and worked with us, and most importantly the Staff and their families and the Summa Staff. We really are like one big family in Christ. We laughed together, we shared together, we cried together, we prayed and worshiped together, and we grew together. All the things a family does. Each staff member (and their family) impacted me and touched my life, but each in a different way.
Which leads me into the "lowlight" of my experience - Leaving. Never has my heart been so torn..Which I can't talk too much about because I might start crying...

I have to go now..THANK YOU ALL

PSALMS 82:3-4 --look it up!