>> Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hey guys..I'm still alive!..barely today tho..Idk what happened but last night I threw up..The teams went to the volcano and I went to Fernando's house to help make pizza (for teams afterwards). We had to make 20 pizzas..And mid-day I just starting feeling really bad..then when our bus stopped when we arrived back to magdalena, I had to run off it and I threw up behind it :( ..So I spent all day today sleeping and resting..Right now everyone is here in antigua, I wanted to get outta the house so I came too and I'm in the SI office..Got some gatorade and just chillin..feel lil better after gatorade.. But yeah..last night wasn't fun...
As for everything else..its going great..it really feels like I've never left..we wake up in the morning and as a group we have worship time and devotional and pray and have quiet time. Then we go to our sites about 8:30..where we do art with the kids until about 10:30, then its break/sharing time - where people can share their testimony. Then we play soccer til about 12:00-12:30 and then the younger kids go to school. And we eat lunch and so far I've spent the rest of the days (until 5p) at Carlos and Telma's house just talking and drawing while they paint and listening to music. It is SO great to be back with them. They remember stupid inside jokes that we had last year and we have many more for this year...I am also the translator at the Art site. That has been a challenge..But I know God is with me... Its been really fun getting to know the people from the Canada group (since other group is from greenville).
God is def here in this place and doing some amazing things..
Its just great to see old faces and meet new ones..The relationships I established last year are stronger than ever and I love these people more and more and I talk with them and spend time with them and get to know them.
Internet in Magdalena is like OLD Dial up..so I will prob be updating on weekends when we come here to the Office..
Thanks for your support and prayers!!
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